Website Hosting
Once developed, we host our websites on industry-leading platforms. These platforms offer fast servers and site-loading and high uptime.
We ensure our data is secure and backed-up so in case of any mishap, our client’s online presence is restored within a short time.
Transparent Pricing
Have you ever gone absolutely insane checking out the prices. on various hosting websites? The prices look amazing! So you sign up just to find out after the introductory offer, which you had no idea there was one, that the prices went through the roof! We offer website hosting through a Virtual Private Server (VPS) through an amazing company called WP Fix It. They entered the hosting world sometime ago and we have been keeping an eye on it to see how they do. Let me tell you we’re impressed so much so we setup our own VPS to offer our clients amazing hosting at an affordable price. Just some of the features that come included: Free SSL, Free Website Security, If your website ever breaks, goes down, or gets infected they fix it as part of what we pay for their hosting. For a complete list of services that come with this hosting click here. The prices below are the prices no up or down, no introductory period, this is it!

Website Hosting
No space limits. Can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual.
Add On Website Hosting
Have more than one website? Looking to save some money seriously? We offer a 20% for each additional site!
Domain Hosting
Includes most domains. Some Top Level Domains (TLDs) maybe more (i.e. .site, .realty, etc etc). Contact us and we check and provide you a good price!