Every brand has a story to tell, and at the moment there is no better place to tell it than on a social media platform.
Brands find the platform(s) that best suit their requirements for an online presence and get going… nothing simpler!
However, it isn’t really that simple.
Content published on social media requires a lot of fore-thought, pre-planning, monitoring and firefighting.
There is no formula for what is going to work on any social media platform for a business, it is all about evaluating what your business is, how it wants to communicate with current and potential customers and what those customers actually want to hear.
In most cases, simply written text without technical jargon, relevant images and attractive offers are what keep people engaged on social media.
Making a reader understand the message a business is trying to put across without boring them or making them go cross-eyed with fancy sounding words is what keeps them scrolling the content on a social platform.
For businesses that are selling a service or a product, keeping offers and purchase incentives front and center will definitely keep the reader interested, getting them to spend more time on the page.
Businesses must show customers how their lives will be a lot better with the product or service they are selling.
When creating content for social media, businesses should write as if their reader is a complete layman. Using simple words and short sentences keeps the reader from switching to a different social profile, which is very likely if they are faced with social content that is boring and technical.
Calls to action, such as hit like, subscribe, learn more and send message are always a good idea, as is engaging content where the reader is asked questions or their opinion is solicited.
Further, content should be positive and in case of some negative publicity, businesses should own up to any shortcomings, promise to do better and then deliver on the promise.
Social media content is different to web content. Social platforms are where businesses are talking directly to their consumers and they need to keep a conversational tone that will keep readers interested and get them to return again and again.