In case you are still making a website, amongst your priorities is writing attractive and compelling content for your site. It may take a while to master the skill of writing quality content. Sometimes you are not sure of what to write or not write. Good website content determines both your internet viewers and search engine although, taking care of both is a bit challenging. We have compiled the do’s and don’ts to help you write website content that improves the readability and SEO effectiveness of your site.

The Don’ts

Do Not Plagiarize

Copying content from other sites may lead to the penalization or removal of your site from search engines. Maintain your self-control on copy-pasting and come up with your original work.

Do no use long sentences

You will be rewarded for short and appealing sentences for they are both fits for humans and search engines. If you have so much information, break it into easily understandable sentences.

Do not write complicated content

Ensure your content is understandable and easy to comprehend by the average person. You might feel intelligent using a four-syllable word but most people might not appreciate your language flow.

Do not write long paragraphs

Try to keep your paragraph length of about4-5 lines. Bullets, lists, and visuals help in breaking your text and make it more friendly.

Do not use images that you have no legal right to use

You may get sued by picking random images online without permission or purchase.

Do not forget your targeted audience

You need to remember your customer’s maybe less informed when choosing your topics and information to write. Ensure your information meets your site visitors at their level of knowledge.

Do not overprice your service or product

Quality content involves striking a balance between promotional and non-promotional content. Do not be pushy on your site visitors to sign up or purchase. Provide them with educational and useful information before asking them their interest in purchasing.


The Do’s of Quality Content

Know the goal of each page

If you want a potential customer to purchase a specific product on a certain page, then ensure the content on that page is written to attract the potential customers and convince the customer the product is worth buying.

Use calls-to-action (CTA)

A CTA is a welcoming button, link, image, or another sort of graphic that encourages a site visitor to become a customer. If you don’t have a Call-to-action you should reconsider it because your site is far from converting a visitor into a customer even with great content.

Have an outline

Have a strong and an organized idea that you will write for each page. This will ensure you do not repeat yourself.

Sound like a human

No one likes content that looks like it is copied from a dictionary or written by a robot. Your content should be engaging, friendly, and down-to-earth as much as your style allows. Your site visitors will feel they connect with you and be likely to visit your Calls-to-action.

Organized Paragraphs

Use one subject per paragraph and stick on it throughout the paragraph without adding unnecessary information. Your paragraphs should have short sentences.

Ensure the content in your paragraphs is easy to scan

Pass important ideas first and prominently. Most site visitors spend a few seconds on one page, ensure they grasp what you are passing across without feeling like they have to read the whole content.

Meet content deadlines

Your web design team must know the kind of content you provide for a web design and content to blend simultaneously. Providing content punctually will ensure your website will be launched timely by your designer.

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