Let the world know what you can do by posting past experiences or work done. If you have worked for a client in the past, post it online for other clients to see your skills and abilities. This might land you to potential clients interested in your expertise. Also to make your site fun to visit, use videos, and graphs that will encourage visitors to engage your content. You can also tag other people’s work if you come across an exciting article related to your niche or inspiring information from another person.
This can translate to many people viewing your content by tagging third party companies or encourage other companies to tag you in their content or give you a positive response f they have a high following. Remember, if we all share our knowledge, we all win. If you are kind to others, they will be kind to you. Deliver content that refers back to your SEO rich articles to increase your rankings. Invest in ads for most users are becoming more engaged in social media Ads. Setting up Ads on Facebook as it is user-friendly is easier and since it is owned by Instagram you may decide if you need Ads in both or one. These platforms are having tremendous growth a use a good chunk of person-time spent on social media are the best for advertisements.
Create content that is original to your websites such as blogs for each blog acts as a page and increases traffic on your site and an opportunity to get ranked on search engines. You can also incorporate webinars and podcasts which are original content to your blog posts. Regularly create and share original content which will ensure consistent social availability and remain at the top of searched pages. You can also create contests that will make it fun to engage your brand where you randomly select a winner.