Make a decision as to whether you would like to use HTTP or HTTPS. In most circumstances, you should use HTTP considering it is amongst the highly-ranking factors by Google. HTTPS is mostly necessary when you are considering to be receiving payments on your site.
- Decide a canonical version of your URLs.
Direct copying issues may arise when Google is accessing the same type of information through multiple URLs. Lack of a clear version will make pages compete with each other unnecessarily.
In a site developer’s eyes, a site is unique if it has an outstanding ID in the web site’s database, while in search engines a URL is the unique identifier. A developer should remember that each piece of information should be accessed through only one URL.
- Site Speed
Developers are conflicted with the pressure of delivering code timely making them assume areas that affect page speed. Remind your developer of the significance of page speed from the start and set aside some time to test the site’s performance.
- Languages and locations
If your site will be built to target users from different countries, you should decide if your site will be multi-lingual or multi-regional, or even both. You will need to address the issue of duplicate content, localized keyword search, and other considerations before the site are built. To target a country or language more closely it is important to use the separate country-level domain.
If you plan to use multiple languages or country combinations on a single site, then the most appropriate approach will be subfolders (e.g. example.com/uk). Subfolders can only operate under one platform or CMS meaning that development setup or maintenance is equally lower.
5.Easy editing and flexibility of a platform
Google has the tendency of updating its recommendations and requirements all the time. Your platform should be flexible enough to make quick changes whenever required on your site.