Your website requires a planned structure since, without it, it will be a bunch of blogs and pages. Your website visitors require this structure to be able to go through your site, be able to click from one page to the next. Your site structure also enables Google to identify your most important pages from less important ones.

Site structure makes it easier for its findability and usability which is important for Google to drive traffic to your site and boosting your SEO.

Importance of site structure for usability

This has a great effect on the visitors to your site. If you offer products online or information and visitors do not find clearly what they are looking for they will possibly stop visiting your page or being prospective customers. Navigation in your site should be easy and time-effective. You should create internal links and categories making them easy to find.

Importance for SEO

A good site structure increases your chances of ranking in Google search engines. There are reasons for this;

Enable Google to understand your site

According to your structure, Google will know where to get your most important content. It gives the search engine a clear understanding of the products you offer or information you write about. It should also help Google to index and find content faster and that’s why it leads to higher ranking in search engines.

It prevents self-cannibalization

This applies when your site has blog posts that are similar. You should ensure your content cover different aspects if it’s about SEO for example. It becomes difficult for Google to identify the most important of all the content making you compete against yourself. You require a proper internal linking and taxonomy system to ensure the pages work for you and not against you.

It handles changes on your site

The content you write on your site becomes outdated as new content comes in. The products you sell on your site also sell out and you bring in new stock. You sure don’t want your visitors to see outdated content or deleted blogs on your site and you need a good structure to deal with these changes.

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