To communicate all the important information you need to strike a balance between the creation of a visual novel and an exciting website. Icons include visual accent to web designs, that is if you have so much information to pass across, they are an excellent tool to break up the content into a more digestible and entertaining format. To signify key points, we use spring cleaners, bullets, numbering lists to break text. This separates key points from the rest of the text and takeaways.

Infographics require a more visual approach for it keeps the rhythm lighter and more bouncy for your reader while some suit better being heavy text content. Iconography allows readers to visualize your text which is more applicable when using data or stats. To make sense, you need to incorporate icons that are more relevant to your point, you just don’t add icons for the sake of it, you do it to make sure your design is easy to understand and appealing. There are things you should consider when designing an iconography for a project since there are many different styles of icons such as isometric, flat, outline, and others. You need to find the right color, size, and style for consistency and relating your brand identity. It’s necessary to stick to one style throughout your design otherwise you disrupt your viewer’s attention.

Some icons require to retain ‘logical’ colors but it’s good to sometimes be creative. A way to do it is by matching the icon color with an overall scheme color. Icons denote a certain message and you should ensure that the message is of significance as the rest of the information. For each to be equal to your reader, the size of icons should show this as each point is a design project. Using same sized circles creates a uniform look around some of the odd-shaped icons. You should also consider adding a background as a contrasting layer which makes your iconography dazzle.

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