Link in context
For your links to make sense you should be able to link contextually. This means that the two articles you are linking should be related to the content written. For example, you can not link SEO writing with German Shepherd dogs, this is two different topics and cannot relate to each other, Google can understand and that is why your links should make sense. To do this you should create links contextually like, SEO content and improving your SEO knowledge.
Avoid dead ends
For an article with no internal links, Google does not visit it regularly making it an orphaned article. It is important to cross-check your site regularly to see if you have this kind of page. If you have these articles on your website, decide if you need them or not. If you need them, then add links to it to make it more important to Google. If the content is outdated you can delete it and redirect the URL.
Focus on SEO Copywriting
Google tries to mimic the human way of reading and understanding texts. As Google’s understanding after reading a text rises, so do its expectations for the SEO fitness of the content rise. A good SEO copywriting strategy should always begin with keyword research. You should be aware of the words which visitors of your site are looking for when trying to find the products or services you offer. If you are using the wrong keywords, Google search results will never find you.
Refresh your keyword research
Keyword research is so much work that never ends. You should update and renew your keyword research to give your content a better shape. Your company might change, the products and services you offer might also change, the keywords people were using a few years ago might not be the same today. That’s why it is important to keep your keyword research updated to avoid using wrong keywords hence losing important traffic.